Saturday 2 August 2008

Turn around and look out

I live in the UK as you may notice from my notes, and have been speaking to a friend in the USA. Her blog is inspiring, intelligent and thought provoking and I have enjoyed reading it and looking at the accompanying photo's. It has been a bit of an inspiration to me in that I didn't (and perhaps still don't) have anything truly worthwhile to say here but I'll say it anyway and see what happens.

We were talking about what we'd liketo do, given a few blank slates, ie budget, time, relationships etc, and it transposedthat she'd never left mainland USA. I'm always surprised that; given the amount of Americans I speak to, how few of them have actually left mainland USA. Given that airtravel is now so cheap, and with the proliferation of budget airlines, why is this so? Why do Americans appear to be so insular and inward looking when there is a world awaiting discovery beyond the sea.

Shortly (Summer 2009) I will be in a position to make travel one of my main occupations. I will be buying a small yacht, and following the appropriate courses, I am starting to dream dreams.
I am germinating formless fancies about crossing the channel, than coasting down the Atlantic coast of France, then it's either the Canal du Midi or onward, around Spain and Porugal and then through the pillars of Hercules and on into the Mare Nostrum. And then I feel I would like to see just how far I can go.It's going to be a personal challenge. A "one of those things I'd do if I had the time,the money and the courage." kind of trip.

Any thoughts on any of the above? let me know. Suggestions for places to visit/avoid? People it would be good to meet/avoid? Again, all gratefully accepted. In advance, thanks.


switch said...

well..the thing is, I think, if you traveled from hither to yon from a European starting point you might end up in another country..and possibly even pass through two or three on the way.

if I start from here and travel the exact same hither to yon I might get as far as Pennsylvania... or ooo possibly even Western Pennsylvania.

now if you were sailing that is quite a different matter, of course.

Jonathan said...

I agree up to a point, Cape Cod usually. I will expound further once I've had the chance to think up a decent response.